Executes a specified action. It is similar to /chat but it only handles transaction requests. It is designed to be used without history context.
Your thirdweb secret key for authentication.
The message to be processed.
Whether to stream the response or not
The session ID to associate with the message. If not provided, a new session will be created.
Provide additional context information along with the message
{ chainIds: string[] | null; walletAddress: string | null;}
fetch("https://nebula-api.thirdweb.com/execute", { method: "POST", headers: { "x-secret-key": "YOUR_THIRDWEB_SECRET_KEY", }, body: { message: "Hello", stream: false, session_id: "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", },});
{ "message": "string", "actions": [ { "session_id": "string", "request_id": "string", "type": "init", "source": "string", "data": "string" } ], "session_id": "string", "request_id": "string"}